Links to other game show sites

The Game Show Page
Chri$ Lambert!'s site features the latest news and daily recaps, lots of rulesheets, a great video collection, homepages for some classic shows, plus the only sports GS tribute on the 'net!
Game Show Central
Brad Francini's got one of THE BEST video collections on the 'net, the "Press Your Luck" page, comprehensive info on TPiR pricing games, and lots more!
The Wonderful World of Game Shows
Mandel Ilagan's got a list of his all-time favorite shows, details on what makes a good GS, the story of his appearance on MG '98, and more!
The Game Show Convention Center
What does Steve Beverly's page have to offer? How about comprehensive info on "Password", "Name That Tune", and "Video Village", another great video collection, and THE most up-to-date game show news anywhere?
Tony Harrison's TPiR Page
A sound and photo-packed page filled with info on memorable moments, bloopers, Johnny Olson, the models, and more!
The Game Show Pilot Light
Mike Burger's page offers info on your favorite shows before they made it to air, along with many more which didn't even get that far!
The 80s TV Theme SuperSite
Brian Karimzad's page has your favorite game show themes available for nowload, plus lots of cool non-GS themes, as well!
A virtual GS newspaper, w/the latest happenings and daily updates for game shows AND prime-time reality series!
"Come on down" to the ultimate TPiR fansite, featuring daily recaps, forums, classic clips, great photo galleries, and more!
TTTT On the Web
Where can you find extensive info on one of the most successful panel games of all time? "To Tell the Truth", Marshall Akers has it all!
Supershow 8000
Visit Kris Lane's page, and you'll see tribute pages devoted to such short-lived shows as "Hot Potato" and "Bruce Forsyth's Hot Streak", classics like "Pyramid" and "Press Your Luck", celebrity GS archives and more!
JRJ Games
Promos, downloadable GS games for your PC, info on his pilots, and more are waiting for you on John Ricci's page, so check it out!
Matt Kaiser's College of Game Show Knowledge
Stop by the College, and you can major in game show pilots, the "Treasure Hunt" page, tape trading, and more!
The Bill Cullen Homepage
Matt Ottinger has everything you ever wanted to know about one of the all-time GS greats, along w/some interesting stuff you probably didn't!
Game Show Utopia
With tributes to some of the all-time great GS hosts, "Press Your Luck" poetry and more, Adam Nedeff's page is truly a utopia for any GS fan!
Game Shows '75
1975 was a great year for game shows...and Curt Alliaume's page has info on virtually EVERY show which aired that year!
Sonic Whammy's Realm of Game Shows
Prepare to enter another realm...a realm of "Press Your Luck" and other great game shows...a realm of vintage GS articles and tape trading...a realm like no other!
Game Show Garbage
Robert Seidelman's page highlights some of the moments in GS history we'd probably like to forget, along w/the obligatory video collection!
TQ's Game Show and Reality Show Themes Page
Features just about every GS and reality show music package currently available to the public, from both the US and around the world!
Ian's Game Show Site
Ian Wallis has another great collection, details about the GS tapings he experienced, a salute to the weekly syndicated games of the 70s, and more!